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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Heritage Roofing

Heritage roofing - maintaining our iconic buildings

The UK is home to some of the most iconic buildings in the world, from stunning churches and cathedrals to historic stately homes. Each and every one of these remarkable feats of architecture requires regular maintenance to ensure they remain in the very best condition, allowing them to be enjoyed for generations.


Cathedral Care

Restoration and upkeep of cathedrals

There are some 42 Anglican cathedrals in the UK, not to mention 20 or so Catholic cathedrals. Cathedrals form the most important collection of historic buildings in England. The largest and most ancient are internationally famous, the smallest are usually among the most significant buildings in their region and even the most recent are architectural masterpieces.


Master Craftsmen

Championing our heritage with modern craftsmanship

Twenty years ago, English Heritage (now Historic England) published its first-ever Register of Buildings at Risk across England, which featured nearly 2,000 buildings and monuments that were ‘neglected, broken and unloved’. Recently Historic England was delighted to announce that over two-thirds of those buildings were now safe, in both urban and rural areas right across the country.


Traditional Lime

Lime: it’s better for buildings – and for the environment

It is now fairly well known that cement is not good for old buildings and that lime mortar should be used. But why? What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages? In order to begin to answer those questions it is necessary to understand the nature of traditional building, the process by which buildings used to be built, and how it differs from modern construction, the process by which we build today.


Audio Visual

Audio visual equipment in church buildings

This guidance is issued by the Church Buildings Council under section 55(1)(d) of the Dioceses, Mission and Pastoral Measure 2007. As it is statutory guidance, it must be considered with great care. The standards of good practice set out in the guidance should not be departed from unless the departure is justified by reasons that are spelled out clearly, logically and convincingly.


Ecclesiastical & Heritage World Scanaudio

CRE Events

After the Midlands, onward to Milton Keynes

"CRE Midlands reminded me of the giddy days when it first began – the venue was packed with exhibitors and visitors and there was a busy atmosphere. The whole thing looked great."



Church Insurance | Ecclesiastical

Church insurance risk

You need to ensure that reasonable precautions are in place at your church to keep it safe for those who use it. To do this, you need to think about what might cause harm to people.

You will then need to decide if the precautions already in place are adequate. If they are not, you may need to identify further action to prevent any danger. When done formally, this is known as a risk assessment.


Church Maintenance

Church maintenance and repair: Calendar of Care

Just as prevention is always better than cure, maintenance is preferable to major repairs. But, such repairs may not always be avoidable. Church Care offers a monthly guide in our coming issues Starting in Spring

We can help you understand the common problems and areas that need your special attention, and give you tips for regular maintenance schemes.


Pest Control

Michael Palin warns of pest threat to churches

Michael Palin is supporting the future of the UK’s historic churches and chapels with a voiceover for a new animated film. The 80 second animation, produced for the National Churches Trust, highlights why churches are some of the nation’s best loved buildings.


Town Halls

The history of the great Victorian Town Halls of Northern England

From industrial squalor to civic pride, the story behind some of the most impressive buildings of the North involve a unique mix of economics, grand designs and noble sentiments within communities.


Lead Roofing

The benefits of lead roofing

Lead is one of the oldest materials in the roofing industry and is still commonly used throughout the world today.

Lead roofing is a traditional roofing method which has been used in the industry for hundreds of years, and is therefore proven to be extremely reliable. Lead roofing, and sand-cast lead, in particular is ideal for old buildings such as churches or historical renovations, whereas milled lead roofing is a mass-produced alternative, used for precision and accuracy in homes and commercial buildings alike.


Lightning Protection

When lightning strikes are you protected against this act of God?

The issue of lightning protection in churches is one that has exercised this publication for many years. In this four-part series of spotlights on the issue we will be revisiting various aspects of the subject, beginning with an overview of current thinking.



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Trees - A Church Guidance Note by Ecclesiastical

Gweb1NSMany churchyards contain a large number of beautiful trees. They form a natural part of the overall landscape, bringing wide and many varied benefits as well as contributing to the overall aesthetic appeal of your church premises.

However, trees, if not properly managed, can cause serious damage. In windy conditions, they may fall onto or lash against the church building itself, neighbouring property or cars. Root movement can cause the collapse of boundary walls. Roots can also absorb soil moisture causing foundations to move and walls to crack. They can also encroach upon the foundations of neighbouring buildings, causing subsidence or damage to drains.

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Integration of ancient and modern is the aspiration

0n7010Low carbon consultancy MTA is a practice that specialises in the sympathetic conservation of culturally significant buildings during the integration of modern services.

With over 20 years of experience, the team at MTA have a comprehensive understanding of the complex rivalry between historical architecture and modern comfort. With an aspiration to ‘repair rather than replace’ they aim to preserve the historic fabric of these important structures.

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Stained glass repairs at St. Martin on-the-Hill, Scarborough

0n7039J Goodwin Stained Glass carried out repairs to the windows at the church of St. Martin on-the-Hill, Scarborough after a painstaking period producing what was described as ‘a stunning piece of work’.

St. Martin’s is the perfect High Victorian Church and was built in response to the rapid urban development of the South Cliff that had taken place since 1845.

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Traditional windows - their care, repair and upgrading

0n7841The loss of traditional windows from our older buildings poses one of the major threats to our heritage. Traditional windows and their glazing make an important contribution to the significance of historic areas.

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A brief history of artificial lighting at Ely Cathedral


Light Perception, specialist lighting consultants for historic buildings, has recently been appointed as lighting consultants to Ely Cathedral and, having designed a new scheme for the octagon – featured on the front cover of our latest issue – is now designing a new scheme for the interior.

This article, by director Bruce Kirk, describes some of the earlier artificial lighting schemes in the cathedral and explains what lessons have been learned from understanding the work of past designers.

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Forever together - bespoke memorial lead urns

Forever together lead urns by Turners Memorial Leadwork are designed to capture lasting memories of your loved one’s, displayed in attractive centre pieces fit for any home or garden that will last for a thousand years.

The lead urns have double compartments, so you and your partner can stay together and be cared for by your family and future generations as a lasting legacy of your life, with the peace of mind that you will be forever looked after and not forgotten.

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Aesthetic audio solutions

0n8773Modern audio solutions often mean function over form – where cutting edge audio quality and distribution may not sit happily in the aesthetic surroundings of a traditional church. This is precisely the challenge mounted and overcome by Creative Audio-Visual Solutions (CAVS) in their equipment selection and overall system design – providing the latest technology whilst respecting the décor of, in most cases, grade-listed buildings.

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Historic colliery boiler gets some TLC

The Califat boiler in Swannington, Leicestershire, gets its name from its association with the Califat Colliery, also known as Coleorton No 2 colliery. It sits in the Califat Spinney to the north of the village and is of national significance. The boiler is a rare survivor of the first type of commercially successful steam engine, the Newcomen atmospheric engine. Only six are currently known to survive.

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Webinar on assessing the condition of heritage ironwork

Not to be deterred by COVID-19 in their quest to bring you the benefit of their expertise, on June 3 National Heritage Ironwork Group (NHIG) are holding a new webinar on assessing the condition of heritage ironwork.

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New contract furniture helps Salford church cater for variety of events

Elmwood 6 300x199Elmwood Church is a large family church in the heart of Salford with both a lively and friendly mix of people of all ages who welcome visitors and newcomers.

With a rich history, dating back to 1889, Elmwood embarked on an ambitious project to build a new Church in 1987, moving to the current site on Eccles Old Road. With over 30 years of ministry in the building, the Church has gained new members – both as Christians but also as believers from a variety of church backgrounds.

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Historic bottle kiln works by Horizon

0n7074Horizon was called in by the operators of this disused historic bottle kiln to offer a solution to ‘temporary job’ undertaken by others in order to weather seal the kiln.

Previously the open top kiln had been covered over by plastic sheeting in order to help prevent rain and wind from damaging the inside of the kiln. The added issue with this job was not only did a permanent solution to the capping need solving but as the kiln is now a specialist shop / museum the entrance to the building takes you directly under and through the old kiln itself.

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James Stone Masonry transform courtyard at Lancaster Castle

Lancaster Castle, often known as John O’ Gaunt’s Castle is one of the most historically fascinating surviving buildings in the country. Its beginnings date back to Roman times when, from its commanding position on the hill overlooking the town of Lancaster and the River Lune, it stood as a bastion against the marauding forces of the ancient Picts and Scots tribes.

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Identifying and sourcing stone for repair

England is fortunate to have such a wide variety of historic and older stone buildings. However, there has been a marked decline in the range of natural stones that are being actively quarried.

When the time comes to replace stone, we need to understand its characteristics. The replacement will need to replicate the original's chemical, physical and mineralogical properties. Only with that understanding can we select compatible materials to replace it with.

Historic England has produced advice on how to obtain matching stone for repairing a historic building or monument.

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A Dickens of a job for York Handmade

The award-winning York Handmade Brick Company has played a significant role in a £1 million restoration project with a strong connection to Charles Dickens.

York Handmade have been working in conjunction with York Conservation Trust to renovate 69-71 Micklegate in the city.

The building was once the office of 19th century railway engineer John Birkinshaw, whose clerk Richard Chicken was a famous eccentric regarded by many, including respected York historian Hugh Murray, as the inspiration for Mr Micawber.

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Call in professionals if nesting birds pose a problem

0n7131Birds can cause a range of issues during nesting season, but interfering with wild birds, their eggs or nests could lead to prosecution, a national trade body has warned.

British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is urging Parochial Church Councils to seek professional advice if birds are becoming a problem.

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Repair work to Peterborough Cathedral

0n7143The Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Andrew in Peterborough is one of the great surviving medieval buildings and one of the UK’s top 10 landmarks.  The present building is the third on its site, dating from a rebuilding started in 1118.  The West Front is a masterpiece of the sublime in architecture, its three massive, unequal width portals framing a seemingly small-scaled porch.  The painted timber nave ceiling is an almost unique survival.  The ‘New Building’ at the east end is a superb example of early 16th century fan vaulting, almost certainly by master-mason John Wastell.  The abbey was refounded as a cathedral in 1541.

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Cathedrals at Night: new nationwide campaign invites visitors to see the historic and sacred space of Bristol Cathedral in a new light

0n7147Bristol Cathedral will open after hours to welcome in visitors for free, part of the first coordinated nationwide Cathedrals at Night campaign in the UK.

This year, Bristol cathedral is joining other participating Church of England cathedrals and its partners to offer people a Cathedrals at Night experience where visitors of all ages can immerse themselves in the culture and spirituality of this beautiful building and enjoy a taste of cathedral life for free.

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