Littlemore Scientific Engineering (ELSEC)

Littlemore Scientific Engineering Co (ELSEC)
We are a medium sized company based in Dorset, England. We started in the 1950's to manufacture research equipment for Oxford University. Since then we have made a variety of specialised machinery and instruments including screen printing machinery, magnetic observatories, wheelchairs for polio patients, archaeological dating equipment and airship parts.
In May 2005 we moved from Littlemore in south Oxford, where the company was founded, to new premises in Dorset.
At Littlemore Scientific we design and manufacture scientific instruments requiring mechanical and electronic engineering.
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR and LOGGERThe ELSEC type 765 enables the measurement of all the conditions that damage valuable objects.
Optional data logging allows over 10,000 readings to be automatically taken at selectable intervals.
• Humidity as %RH
• Temperature in °C or °F
• Light levels in Lux or Foot-candles
• UV as mW/M2 or µW/Lumen
• Dew Point
• Tiny, sized like a small mobile phone
• Easy one-handed operation
• Large, clear display
For information on all our products and services, visit