D-Tech Pro Ltd

We pride ourselves on providing high-quality instruments, equipment, calibration services and solutions to the museums, art galleries, conservation and heritage sector as well as industrial and medical applications throughout the UK and Ireland.
We have many years of experience and knowledge to ensure your requirements are fully understood, and so that we can provide the equipment and services to meet your needs. We are fully insured and our engineers are fully trained and qualified and carry the ECITB safety passport qualification. We are proud members of the Museums Association and Museums + Heritage Advisor.
The high quality and accurate equipment we supply can monitor virtually any parameter from temperature and humidity to flood sensors, air quality sensors, Lux / UV light, Co2, weather stations and many more.
Environmental control solutions for museums, art galleries, and other industrial applications. From stand-alone humidifiers and dehumidifiers to integration with HVAC and conservation heating control systems.
Service and calibration of environmental monitoring, measurement, and control equipment is essential to ensure accurate and stable readings. Most work we can perform on-site to reduce down time.