IHBC Recognised Courses
The IHBC, in its Memorandum and Articles, recognises that historic environment conservation courses can contribute significantly to the wide-ranging skills sets required of a Full Member of the institute.
Consequently, graduates of these courses with just two years of relevant professional experience can apply to become a Full Member of the institute. This is in contrast to the five years of relevant practice required of other applicants.
The IHBC has welcomed the long-standing partnership with the conservation courses across the UK in encouraging training and professional development in the sector. In 2005, as part of a review of its own operations, the IHBC recognised the need to enhance its recognition process and introduced a new assessment procedure. Since then a number of courses have been recognised under the new system, and this more substantial assessment has been welcomed by the sector as a whole.
Many conservation courses still benefit from earlier recognition by the IHBC, and have yet to be assessed under the new system. The IHBC continues to accept applications from graduates of courses recognised by the institute under its earlier system of recognition – not least as quality assurance in the sector remains high precisely because of our links with the course providers. However the institute is also working with the current course directors to encourage submissions for approval under the new system.
Look for the IHBC logo in our directory listings for full details of courses currently available.