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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

National Heritage Roofing Contractors Register identifies quality

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World NFRC logoNFRC officially launched the development of a National heritage roofing contractor’s register in January 2008 and it is constantly updated. The register aims to identify reliable and suitably qualified heritage roofing specialists who have a good track record in carrying out roofing work to historic buildings.

Click HERE to find a selection of specialist heritage NFRC Members

English Heritage, Cadw Welsh Historic Monuments, Environment and Heritage Service for Northern Ireland, Historic Scotland and National Heritage Training Group have supported the development of the National heritage roofing contractors register.

All NFRC members go through a vetting procedure and the various national heritage and other grant aiding and supervisory bodies are keen to be able to identify such firms where a vetting procedure has taken place.

Due to variations in heritage roofing across the UK, firms are only required to give evidence of competence for the heritage roofing types that they specialise in. There may also be firms who can undertake specialised and local roofing types that are not identified on the NFRC list of heritage roofing types.

A responsible person from each firm is also to be identified as either a heritage Roof Master or heritage Craft Roofer based on their experience and capabilities in advising and controlling all aspects of historic and technical design, and skilled vernacular workmanship.

How do I apply?
Non-members of the Federation are welcome to apply to be included on the Register. All non-member applicants are advised that they will have to undergo a stringent vetting and audit undertaken by NFRC personnel for which there will be a cost.

NB: Members of the Federation have undergone the same stringent vetting and audit procedure as that expected of non-members.

Protecting our National Heritage Treasures through registration!

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World NFRC logoDo you have responsibility for arranging heritage roof work to be carried out? Then you need to refer to NFRC’s National Heritage Roofing Contractors Register at www.nfrc.co.uk. Here you will find the best opportunity to obtain quality workmanship. All listed properties and pre-1919 buildings deserve any conservation work to be undertaken by firms who have shown that they have the necessary skills and responsibility.

If you are unsure in identifying particular roofing slate and tile types or need to find common descriptions, you need go no further than the NFRC website where an illustrated list of heritage roofing types is displayed. This list also has a geographic guide to materials.

This is a 'one stop shop’ that will enable you to select qualified competent heritage roofers with the roofing type categories you require.  Heritage registered roofing firms are divided between two levels of skill. Firms in the NFRC Heritage Roofmaster category can take both design (technical) and workmanship responsibility, whereas firms who do not take design responsibility are NFRC Heritage Craft Roofer; both are described on the website and both will offer quality workmanship.

Having selected your type of roofer and type of roofing you are then presented with a list of firms capable of the work who have provided proof of their skills and have been vetted by NFRC, along with TrustMark registration.  

Only roofers that have undergone stringent scrutiny with a successful application are recorded on the register. The company’s work is reviewed by a sub-panel made up of highly qualified competent experts in traditional roofing, and are supported by English Heritage, Cadw Welsh Historic Monuments, Environment and Heritage Service for Northern Ireland, Historic Scotland, The National Heritage Training Group (NHTG), and ConstructionSkills (formerly CITB).

You needed it, NFRC provide it! Please don’t take chances with Heritage Roofing!

Click HERE to find a selection of specialist heritage NFRC Members