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Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Draft Kings Park plan out for consultation

A draft plan to transform Stirling’s Kings Park to meet the needs of the whole community now and in the future is out for consultation.

The Kings Park in Stirling is a park steeped in the history of Stirling and Scotland and also a much loved, contemporary green space in the heart of the city providing leisure and pleasure to City residents and visiting tourists as well as offering stunning views to Stirling Castle and the distant hills.
To ensure Kings Park can become a more accessible, high quality and well managed public open space, Stirling Council with support from the Friends of Kings Park and Kings Park Community Council has recently explored improvement options for the park in terms of its current and future use as well as on its design and layout.

Initial views and opinions of park users and local organisations have been brought together by the master planning consultants, Mouchel, to produce the Kings Park Draft Masterplan. Views are now being sought on the draft Masterplan from park users, city residents and community organisations to ensure as wide a range of feedback on the plan is obtained as possible
There are several ways the public, park users and community organisations can get involved and comment on the Draft Masterplan. There is a stakeholder walkabout in the park on Friday June 11, a consultation marquee in the park on Saturday June 12 and a drop-in exhibition on Thursday June 24, 2010.

People can also view the draft masterplan and get involved by completing an online questionnaire , which is located at: or by filling in a paper copy available on request from Jenni Taylor (0)1698 802 850. The form should be returned to Mouchel at Lanark Court, Ellismuir Court, Tannochside Park, Uddingston, Glasgow G71 5PW.

The walkabout with other key organisations will be organised by Mouchel and is aimed at gathering first-hand information on stakeholder's views on the Vision for the park, the draft plan and about the particular issues facing the park and their aspirations for the future. This information will help to finalise the masterplan. The marquee in the park and drop-in exhibition will allow park users to view the draft plan and provide their views.

Stirling Council Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Environment Councillor Jim Thomson said: "The public consultation is at an important stage to allow park users to have a final say in shaping the long-term future for the city’s Kings Park. This historic park is a very popular recreation spot for many residents across the Stirling Council area and beyond, so it’s important that park users and the community have an opportunity to provide their views on potential development of the park."