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Ecclesiastical & Heritage World Nimrod

Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

‘You gotta move..!’ New dates for CRE South West are 23-24 June 2021

The Bible brims over with people told to move. Abraham was sent out, not knowing where he was going. Moses led an entire nation on that long and winding road out of Egypt. Jonah, via a rather large fish, reluctantly returned to Nineveh. Not forgetting the apostles of the New Testament. Or, as Revd Gary Davis sang in his classic \African-American spiritual: ‘When God get ready… you gotta move.’

"Now it’s our turn!" said Steve Goddard, owner and MD of CRE.

"The dates for CRE South West 2021 at Westpoint, Exeter have changed from 17-18 March 2021 to 23-24 June 2021. We hardly need to explain why! Make sure you put them in your diary – and click here to book your tickets for as little as £3 each.

"We are delighted that almost 50 per cent of exhibition space has already been taken for our first visit to the South West in six years. Dozens of experts will be available to assist you and your church on a wide range of practical issues – from effective use of new technology to successful fund raising. Best of all, you will often meet the person behind the product because face to face beats mouse to mouse. In fact, nothing beats trying it on, tasting it, sitting on it, listening to it and comparing it.

"The Association of Exhibition Organisers has worked closely with the Government to suggest timely best practice to exhibition venues in light of Covid-19. With this in mind, new measures at CRE South West 2021 will include wider aisles, foot pedal-activated hand sanitisers, decontaminating spray, protective screens at visitor registration, messaging reminders, one-way systems and socially-distanced seminar rooms, toilets and breakout areas.

"Who would have thought all this would be necessary 12 months ago? But we are grateful to friends who have prayed for and joined us on an unexpected journey. Our prayer is that, as we look back, we will see how a greater good has come from these extraordinary days – and that being prepared to make the right decisions at the right time made all the difference."

• If you would like to exhibit at CRE South West, make contact today with the CRE sales team> Carol (E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. T: 0161 250 2467) or James (E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. T: 0161 250 2306). Or click here for more information.