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Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

A reader’s point of view on lightning protection

| BS6651:BSEN 62305

Dear Sir/Madam,
I read with great interest your article on lightning protection in the magazine and the changes in the standards from BS 6651/1999 to the new BSEN 62305. I would like to point-out that fortunately, there are alternatives to the new system that carry European Be International Standards and have done so for many years. Very few Church's, historic or listed buildings could afford the original full BS 6651 system, most in point of fact, have only part systems or less. I have always been aware of the cost involved especially in the case of Church's and Historic Buildings.

In your article it states;-" The new BSEN 62305 documentation is a "staggering" five times the size of its predecessor" including the risk assessment . This therefore should indicate that the new BSEN 62305 system, is almost five times more comprehensive and so it follows, five times more costly. Mr. C .Fields an International engineering Consultant states " The BSEN 62305 system is over complex ant over engineered in comparison with the risk the less heavily engineered solution of the Early Streamer Emission ( ESE) Technology is the appropriate match for the risk of Lightning in the UK"

The new BSEN system is still based on the old Faraday Cage. We have all come to assume that anything that carries a "BS Kite marks must be correct. However, all our knowledge is based on historic findings by Faraday & Franklin more than 150 years ago, so not exactly new Technology, to teach our apprentice's. The main principle being, if we throw large amounts of conductive metal at a structure (now even more) it will in some way find its pathway to earth. . This now means the BSEN 62305 Faraday Cage System, also has a massive "Carbon Footprint" and becomes over intrusive and so aesthetically inappropriate for Churches and Historic Structures, to say nothing of private dwellings prone to strikes and static problems.


The Helita ESE Pulsar Single Mast range, is from a member state of Europe (ESE Standards NF C 17-1OZ) and will give a radius of protection in excess of 67 meters and'will work efficiently on 2 Down Conductors and 2 Earth Installations. This system also captures the strike in the atmosphere rather than when the strike hits the structure. The Helita Pulsar System uses substantially less natural resources and consequently has a smaller carbon footprint. The Helita System offers compliance to those adhering to an Environmental Management System (EMS) such as BSEN IOS 14001.

The cost involved with the use of the Helita System, is also substantially less than the BSEN 62305 system because of its low use of materials, it is easier and quicker to install, obviously less obtrusive and therefore has very low maintenance costs.
2 The ESE Pulsar Single Mast System, protects over 200,000 buildings worldwide. In the UK alone, it includes:- The Home office, The Foreign office, Great Ormond street Hospital, RAF bases etc

Mr. C. Fields states:
~The Faraday Cage is an unscientific approach to Lightning Protection and is overly complex and environmentally irresponsible. According to the new BSEN 62305 risk assessment, it can be very rarely justified within the UK

Mr. C.Field, Operates as an Engineering Consultant and has been involved with international Lightning Protection projects over the last ten years.

There is a significant risk in the UK and a need for Lightning Protection that is increasing with global warming; no one would argue with that, however we must be aware of the environment as well as the risk factor that is far less in the UK than most other countries. In Florida they have a Lightning Storm almost every night you could set your watch by, its effects can be devastating. Do we really have that kind of risk in the UK? Do we really require an over engineered, over intrusive systems that can spoil not only the environment but the look & appearance of an historic building that is part of our heritage? Do we really have a need in the UK for a system that a church could rarely be able to afford?

I will be working in accordance with British & European Standards as I always have, but with a little    applied common sense ...I think.  


The Cottage, Shuttleworth Grange, Shuttleworth Lane, Cosby, Leicester, LE9 1RF. TELEPHONE: 01455 - 208229 or Mobile 07798 751051 VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.barsbylightning.co.uk