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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 102

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ISCVE appoints new president and vice president

At its recent Members’ Day and AGM, the Institute of Sound, Communications and Visual Engineers (ISCVE) announced the appointment of its new president and vice-president.

Neil Voce, MInstSCVE (right), Sales Director for Ambient System, was appointed as the new president, for a term of three years, taking over from Helen Goddard FInstSCVE, while Jim Smith FInstSCVE (below left) was appointed vice president.

In his inaugural speech as president, Neil Voce thanked the outgoing president for her hard work and commitment to the Institute during her term of the last three years.

Neil said: “Helen has been magnificent in her role as president and my aim is to continue the success Helen has achieved for ISCVE, whose membership continues to grow. The Institute is  appealing to younger, wider and more diverse demographics, whilst valuing and supporting its core membership of existing members which makes it a great organisation to be associated with.” 

Jim Smith added: “The Institute continues to work closely with its members to provide ECS card services, education and industry relevant CPD training. Our aim is to support and help members’ businesses and staff grow and my role as vice president is to support the president and ensure we are meeting our goals.”

For further information visit iscve.org.uk