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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Serious concrete - the new Hartley Memorial Pathway

Screenshot 2014 07 30 19.24.25

This commemorative pathway dedicates the names of all the victims of the Hester Pit Disaster on the site of the old pit head which is now a memorial garden.

The path was designed by Russ Coleman in collaboration with Rob Walton who worked with local people to produce a prose poem that weaves eye witness statements, newspaper accounts and a telegram from Queen Victoria into an emotive walk through the garden to the old pit shaft. The path was designed in black concrete with white letters in a contemporary font for the time. There are also commemorative hedgerow flowers cast into the path.

B6p7oIVConcrete forget-me-nots

DjqvrclFettling letters for the New Hartley Memorial path

DSCN3962 1024x768The Opening Ceremony

For further information visit russcoleman.com