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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 102

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ISCVE announces dates for ISCVEx 2024

ISCVEx Exhibition Image 2000px 5X5A2887eISCVE is pleased to announce the dates for its annual event, ISCVEx 2024, which will be taking place at Coombe Abbey on 19-20 March 2024. Next year’s event promises to be the perfect platform for industry professionals from all sectors of the professional audio, communications and visual industries. Attendees can expect 30+ exhibitors and distributors, thought-leading seminars, inspiring talks and more. 

Taking place in the beautiful Coombe Abbey Hotel, Warwickshire, over two days ISCVEx is a great environment for visitors to get inspired and advance their business with thought-leading seminars and inspiring talks. ISCVEx day one includes ISCVE’s Member’s Day, AGM and Networking Dinner whilst day two includes three seminars and exhibition.

ISCVEx Pre Dinner Image 2000px 5X5A2248e 1Attendees also get the opportunity to network with other top industry people from all sectors of the audio, communications and visual industries with more than thirty exhibitors and distributors in one convenient location.

And if you’re thinking of exhibiting, ISCVEx is an opportunity to increase exposure for your business, showcasing your products and services in a friendly, professional environment.

"This year, in addition to our regular attendees and exhibitors, we saw increased engagement from audio visual companies showcasing their businesses at the exhibition and attending seminars." comments Ros Wigmore, ISCVE Business Manager. 

ISCVEx Seminar Image 2000px 5X5A2790e"Next year’s ISCVEx, once again, promises to be a worthwhile addition to the Industry calendar with early interest levels already high from companies wishing to attend. We are currently considering the topics for the presentations at next year’s ISCVEx and invite companies and individuals to register their interest too”, concludes Wigmore.

Paul Dougherty MInstSCVE, managing director of Blaydon Communications, commented after attending this year's event in March: “It’s been years since I’ve attended the exhibition and this year has made me realise what I’ve been missing. Relaxed environment where you can catch up with industry friends and see lots of new products. Superb presentations from knowledgeable peers about interesting subjects – and a free lunch too! Looking forward to 2024 already!”

If you wish to be considered to present at ISCVEx 2024 please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To visit ISCVEx 2024: https://iscve.org.uk/iscvex-2024-register-to-exhibit-and-visit-here/

To exhibit at ISCVEx 2024: https://iscve.org.uk/iscvex/exhibit-at-iscvex/