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Ecclesiastical & Heritage World Nimrod

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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 102

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Church’s new heating ticks all the boxes

Argonaut picTrinity Church North Finchley was formed in 1980 by the coming together of two churches in North Finchley in North London. During the latter half of the 1970s the relationship between North Finchley United Reformed Church (formerly North Finchley Congregational Church) and North Finchley Baptist Church went from strength to strength, and it was decided to recommend that the two churches should unite to form a single church.

The Baptist Church was later demolished and the URC church renovated and extended. Trinity Church, set in the heart of North Finchley, makes the premises available to a large number of community groups from the local area, welcoming people from a wide range of backgrounds.

Argonaut Heating Ltd, established in 1972, has over 50 years experience in the design, installation, service and maintenance of heating and air conditioning systems, with church heating being one of the company’s specialist services.

Argonaut Heating was commissioned to upgrade the 30-year-old-plus boiler room and install a modern-day, high-efficiency boiler plant and control system at the Trinity Church Centre, including the halls and rooms used for meetings, activities and rehearsals.

The boiler plant needed upgrading as it had reached the end of its useful life and the church took the opportunity to have a new bespoke heating system installed, with the facility to be able to individually control the heating in the various halls and rooms which are used at different times – thus avoiding unnecessary heating of the spaces when not in use.

A complete new heating and control system was installed and all the old boiler plant was removed.

 The new boilers were mounted on a support frame off the floor as the boiler room had, from time to time, experienced flooding in the past due to the local high water table. A plate exchanger was installed so the existing heating system was segregated from the new boilers, thus protecting them from any dirt in the existing heating system. Argonaut Heating Ltd also installed a dosing pot and cleaned the existing heating system.

A new control panel was installed, allowing the control of four different temperature zones for the various areas of the multi-use church centre. The panel also provides weather compensated control and all plant is shown with auto changeover, run and fault indication. The gas supply systems were also upgraded to comply with current standards.

For further information visit www.argonautheating.co.uk