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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

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DCMS' review of arm's length bodies

Heritage Lottery Fund statement:

Commenting on today’s DCMS statement, Carole Souter, Chief Executive of the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF), said:

"We understand that every Government department is reviewing the roles of arm’s length bodies and we will work with DCMS, and any other bodies involved, to ensure the very best outcome for the heritage while continuing to keep costs down."

"HLF has a specialist grant-making responsibility for the full range of heritage, across the entire UK.  As well as the historic built environment, HLF invests in museums, the natural heritage of landscape and wildlife and people’s traditions and stories."

"The £10.5m* of investment we are announcing today shows how our funding reaches right across the UK. It is essential that projects like these can continue to benefit from Lottery funding."

"The National Heritage Memorial Fund also has a distinctive UK-wide role, supporting acquisitions for a range of heritage treasures from the Staffordshire Hoard to Turner’s Blue Rigi. It acts as the Government’s ‘fund of last resort’ moving quickly in emergencies to save important heritage when other fundraising has been exhausted. There is keen demand for its funding and we believe its role is crucial."