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Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

New 2012 Tree Preservation Order regulations


They come into force on 06 April 2012 - are you prepared? A short course to bring you up to date is available.
Following an extensive consultation exercise the Government has finally produced new Tree Preservation Order (TPO) Regulations. The Regulations were;

Made on 28 February 2012;
Laid before Parliament on 05 March 2012; and
Come into Force on 06 April 2012.

The new regulations apply to England only and aim to simplify the TPO system and they apply to all TPOs made since 1947. There are significant changes and the implications of these are serious for Local Planning Authorities.

This short course, 2 hours including a Q&A session is available online for just £95 + VAT from BASE UK. It is an interactive tutorial session delivered over the web. The tutor is Dr Dealga O’Callaghan FICFor., F.Arbor.A. who has extensive experience in this area of tree law.

The Course is scheduled for the afternoon of April 3rd (or 5th) 2012 starting at 14.00 BST.

All that is required is that you have a copy of the regulations: i.e.

Statutory Instruments
2012 No. 605
The Town & Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012

If you don’t have a copy, one can be provided to you after you register and pay for the course.

Go To:www.baseuk.net  to register on line.