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Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Ballistic Technology used to infuse nickel micro-dots into sheet lead

Trace-in-Metal is a unique comprehensive property marking system, which significantly raises the risk of arrest of anyone dealing in stolen metal and those who are stealing it.

Trace-in-Metal is different from other property marking systems as it has been designed to be detected throughout the metal recycling ‘food chain’.

Trace-in-Metal is committed to working with the police and their systems integrate with existing police systems for reporting and recording crime, including providing clients with witness statements. This gives the police vital evidence in a timely manner and saves many hours of police time.

Trace-in-Metal provides the police, smelters, refiners and recyclers with the means to detect microdots back to source in a simple, fast, and low cost way, using the Immobilise database. There is no need for expensive drawn out laboratory examinations

Trace-in-Metal microdots can be traced with just one phone call.

So how does it work?

  • Microdots are fused into existing metal structures using ballistic technology.
  • Microdots survive any process which melts the lead, can be recovered and traced back to the source of any theft.
  • Microdots provide a deterrent against the sale of stolen lead, targeting not only the thief, also the handlers of stolen metal.

Microdots are fused into existing lead structures using Trace-in-Metal’s patent pending ballistic technology. Once applied this process becomes invisible and cannot be found without specialist equipment.

Because the microdots survive any melting, the system provides a deterrent against the sale of stolen lead, this not only targets the thief, it also targets those who deal in stolen metals.

Microdots are also applied to the surface of each section of lead using a UV lacquer and these can be easily detected.

Microdots survive any process which melts the lead and can be recovered by police, recyclers and smelters and traced back to the source of any theft.

The post code is also installed in weather resistant UV on the lead and this provides an easy non-technical method of tracing the source of the lead before the metal is subjected to any form of re-processing.

The installations are carried out by qualified lead roofing engineers and are invisible which allows use on historic and listed buildings.

The system provides the means of tracing any lead that is stolen back to source throughout the recycling ‘food chain’.

Trace-in-Metal provides clients with an evidence pack which includes a witness statement detailing the identity of the microdots and advice on crime scene management and crime prevention.

Trace-in-Metal data is held on the Immobilise database, the National UK Property Register used by Police and other Law Enforcement agencies.

For more information visit www.trace-in-metal.com