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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Remote module detects water and issues alerts via Cloud technology

Using cloud and satellite technology a remote Thermocable module can detect escaping water and immediately alert clients via a mobile device or building management centre.

Designed to protect property, possessions and items of high nett asset value, the system is ideal for use in art or sculpture galleries, museums, historic buildings or vacant commercial or residential properties.

Developed by linear detection cable specialists at Yorkshire based Thermocable, the remote PROH2O module constantly monitors for water escapes, providing a daily report of system integrity, faults and battery life.

Providing extensive surface area detection it delivers round the clock protection, with simple, ‘plug and play’ installation.

Working in partnership with global ‘M2M’ technology leader Concirrus, Thermocable offer a hosted solution of reliable water leak detection and alert, coupled with minimal investment, convenience and low running costs.

Because the module and detection cable are not permanently fixed the unit can be relocated, with a new address logged into the cloud platform. This flexibility provides protection for roof spaces, basements, inaccessible areas and unoccupied properties.

Work is well advanced at Thermocable to make the system even more pro-active so, if required, it can communicate with a wireless solenoid valve to switch off a flow of water.

To contact Thermocable for technical details call (01274) 882359 or visit www.water-leak-detection.com or www.thermocable.com