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Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Induction Loop Systems for churches

Since October 2004, Induction Loops have been mandatory in all public buildings - including Places of Worship. They are used to transmit clear sound, without the need for wires, to hearing aid users.

A correctly designed Induction Loop System produces a crystal clear sound through the whole of the seated area of the venue without the necessity for the user to take any action, apart from moving a switch on their hearing aid. Hearing Aid users can sit anywhere and hear perfectly without either background noise from other people or any other interference.

The transmitter aerial cable is approximately 2.5mm diameter, it is unobtrusive and available in various colours to blend with the background.

Provision can be made for hearing impaired users to benefit from the Induction Loop System even if they do not have a hearing aid or, if the hearing aid they do have does not include a 'T' switch.

All Induction Loop Systems and associated equipment are VAT free and the running costs are negligible.

Middlesex based Christian Fabrications has been installing loop systems since 1972. Established as a limited company in 1992 Christian Fabrications Ltd was an amalgamation of two long established businesses primarily concerned with the installation of Church Sound and Induction Loop Systems.

Geoffrey Yates, the managing director, is himself hearing impaired and never ceases to extol the virtues of correctly designed Induction Loop Systems. Mr. Yates is a BBC trained engineer and has acted as consultant to British Telecom, British Gas and many publicly quoted companies as well as to the late Cardinal Hume and two Archbishops of Canterbury.

Since 1972 the company has installed over 5,500 Induction Loop Systems and Sound Redistribution Systems. They work throughout the Midlands, Southern England and the West Country with surveys and subsequent estimates undertaken free of charge within a 200 mile radius of London.

According to Geoffrey Yates: "We do not install Public Address Systems in churches - who wants to make the preacher louder! We do install Sound Redistribution Systems so that everyone hears the spoken word as though they were within a metre or so of the person speaking. Usually this is achieved by the use of series of small aesthetically acceptable low volume speakers. Obviously sound quality is of paramount importance but to us the aesthetic acceptability of the equipment has equal priority and although we have now completed 5,500 installations there has never been either a faculty or Architect's rejection of our proposed design.

"We specialise in upgrading existing installations and are experts at electronically reducing echo and improving voice clarity.

"Most of our staff are committed Christians and whilst we obviously must make a profit to stay in business, we rejoice in the fact that hopefully our work is of blessing to thousands of people who otherwise might not clearly hear The Word of The Lord. Please don't hesitate to give us a call for a friendly chat."

Contact details for Geoffrey can be found on his website with further information about loop systems and the company. Please visit www.christianfabrications.co.uk