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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Crompton Lamps help Leeds Minster reduce its carbon footprint

Leading lamp supplier Crompton, has donated a number of LEDs to the historical Leeds Minster as part of a campaign by the Church Council to significantly reduce its carbon footprint.
Previously known as the Parish Church of Saint Peter-at-Leeds, the building consists of a Gothic Revival design dating back to the 19th century and was granted Minster status in 2012.

The Minster has also been designated as a Grade I listed building by English Heritage.

The original lighting consisted of over 300 halogen lamps internally with 25 sodium floodlights externally around the building. Running costs were considerably high and other problems included constant maintenance due to frequent lamp failure so an alternative solution had to be found.

Minster council member Chris Jackson contacted Crompton for advice on energy saving equivalents to the Halogen and Sodium lamps already being used and wanted to keep the existing fittings. Crompton suggested replacing the old 60W Halogens with 5W LED MR16 lamps.

These extremely high powered lamps have low power consumption, available in warm white, cool white or daylight colour option the lamps have a life of 30,000 hours.

Chris Jackson commented “We are extremely grateful to Crompton for all their valuable advice and donating the new lamps. Apart from the considerable energy savings we have achieved, the light levels have clearly improved by using the LED lamps. Due to Christmas and the Minster at its busiest, we have only managed to complete Phase I of this project which includes the lower ceiling areas and all external lighting.

However this phase has really improved the whole ambience of the building and we have received very positive comments from our regular parishioners as it really does show the Minster in a very different light! Phase 2 will see the higher ceiling areas being re-lamped so will involve the use of cherry pickers but will be completed early in the New Year”.