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Ecclesiastical & Heritage World Nimrod

Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Building a workforce of the future as nine new apprentices come on board

The foundations for a solid career have been set, as building and roofing specialist, Hodgson Sayers, welcomes nine new apprentices to its team.

The Stanley-based company is committed to developing the next generation of its team and to making apprentices 10% of its workforce. The company has more than achieved this with a total of 16 apprentices making up the 100 headcount.

The new apprentices, aged between 17 and 20, are from across the North East and include Emilio Parker, from Stockton and Shaun Young and Dylan Dobbie, both from Newcastle.

Meanwhile, Joshua Lyons, Kieran Turner, Jake Burns and David Calvert, each from Stanley are joined by Aaron Redpath and Liam Holloran from Northumberland.

Seven of the apprentices will be completing a three year apprenticeship learning skills in their designated fields of either slating and tiling, flat roofing, and metalwork fabrication at Newcastle College and two will be studying bricklaying at New College Durham.

One apprentice, Emilio Parker, wowed the team with his determination by walking from Gateshead to the Stanley office in the pouring rain to ensure he would get his chance to be interviewed.

John Sayers, Managing Director at Hodgson Sayers, said: “We were impressed with the eagerness of all nine apprentices to learn and ask questions in the interviews and were certainly impressed with the steely determination shown by Emilio.

“Having realised he ran out of money when travelling to our office, instead of turning back when he reached Gateshead, he walked in the rain to Stanley to get to his interview. Youngsters can get a bad press but Emilio has showcased to us his desire to be given a chance.

“We helped him out on the return leg of his journey and we look forward to seeing his career flourish with us.

“As a company we take great pride in ensuring that the workforce of the future has the necessary skills to be able to take the company forward. The Contracts Managers started their careers as apprentices so they have the best skills and expertise to guide the new starters.”

Emilio, said: “On the way to my interview I realised I had run out of money. I had two options, turn back when I reached Gateshead or to walk to Stanley.

“Thankfully, I had google maps on my phone and I was determined to make it. The walk was three hours and it poured with rain and, unfortunately, I was a little bit late. I was still allowed my chance and the company kindly paid my return journey back to Silksworth.

“I have a Level 1 apprenticeship in construction which I studied for at New College Durham and I am really enjoying my apprenticeship in bricklaying which I started in September.

“It’s great to get a step onto the career ladder and learn a solid skillset. The team have made me feel at home and I like working alongside the other lads as we are all starting off at the same level and can discuss our progress.”